Benzq Flies Combo Pack

Is a GOOD news :)
Benzq Flies Combo Pack is now having in Benzq Fly's Online Tackle
Come to grab it

Code 编号: C001
Fly Name 鱼饵名称:Benzq Flies Combo Pack
Price 售价:RM10.00 (不包括邮费 Exclude postage)

有兴趣者,请email我下订单 :)
Whoever that is interested, can email me for inquiry ya :)

Fishie Fly

Code 编号: M005
Fly Name 鱼饵名称:Fishie Fly
Material 材料: Mustad Stainless Steel Hook
Price 售价:RM6.00 (不包括邮费 Exclude postage)

有兴趣者,请email我下订单 :)
Whoever that is interested, can email me for inquiry ya :)

Flyer Fly

Code 编号: F007
Fly Name 鱼饵名称:Flyer Fly
Material 材料: Mustad Stainless Steel Hook
Price 售价:RM8.00 (不包括邮费 Exclude postage)

有兴趣者,请email我下订单 :)
Whoever that is interested, can email me for inquiry ya :)
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Wormie Fly

Code 编号: F006
Fly Name 鱼饵名称:Wormie Fly
Material 材料: Mustad Stainless Steel Hook
Price 售价:RM5.00 (不包括邮费 Exclude postage)

有兴趣者,请email我下订单 :)
Whoever that is interested, can email me for inquiry ya :)
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Ant Fly

Code 编号: F005
Fly Name 鱼饵名称:Ant Fly
Material 材料: Mustad Stainless Steel Hook
Price 售价:RM6.00 (不包括邮费 Exclude postage)

有兴趣者,请email我下订单 :)
Whoever that is interested, can email me for inquiry ya :)
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Red Tail Crazy Fly

Code 编号: S011
Fly Name 鱼饵名称:Red Tail Crazy Fly
Material 材料: Mustad Stainless Steel Hook
Price 售价:RM8.00 (不包括邮费 Exclude postage)

有兴趣者,请email我下订单 :)
Whoever that is interested, can email me for inquiry ya :)

New Creation

Code 编号: S010
Fly Name 鱼饵名称:Snow Greenie Minnow
Material 材料: Mustad Stainless Steel Hook
Price 售价:RM8.00 (不包括邮费 Exclude postage)

有兴趣者,请email我下订单 :)
Whoever that is interested, can email me for inquiry ya :)
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Spin Fly

Tarpon on Spin Fly

Grab your chance to have one
You will know how fun is that:)

Benzq Spin Fly Floating Rig

Code 编号: R001
Product Name 产品名称:Benzq Spin Fly Floating Rig
Uniqueness 特点:浮性 Floating

Price 售价:RM12.00 (不包括邮费 Exclude postage)

有兴趣者,请email或者sms我下订单 :)
Whoever that is interested, can email or sms me for inquiry ya :)


Benzq Spin Fly Rig

When it comes to fishing, there're a lot of techniques and ways of fishing. That includes the most common of using live bait or dead bait, using lure (popping, casting, jigging, trolling and etc), fly fishing and the least popular Spin Fly. This article is going to emphasize on Spin Fly

Most anglers will have desire of being able to fish with fly fishing outfit. But many of them encounter road blocks like limited back space, wind and etc which prevent them from learning and improving their fly fishing skills and ultimately those beautiful fly rod and reel will end up as wall decoration. Ironically, flies have some special attractions toward fishes which lures didn't have. Sometimes you will notice when a bunch of guys going fishing, when those that use lures didn't yield any result, and one of them took out his fly rod and start fly fishing and surprise he got a hit. This phenomenon usually appear in places which
is heavily fished.That's when people start to rig a weigh in front of the fly, and using conventional spinning reel for fishing, this is whar we called Spin Fly. Unfortunately, the weighted fly has its limitations. Firstly, it sinks too fast. Secondly, it can't be used as sub-surface fly. Thirdly, you have to spin the reel quite fast which meant in most cases those fishes won't have enough time to react and take the fly. That's when Benzq Spin Fly Rig comes into play.It allows anglers to fish sub-surfacely, in variable speed, different depth, which all translate to catching more fishes.

Below is my personal experience:
I'm an angling addict. Every day before work, I'll go to the same place to fish for few hours. At first, I use lure and I did catch a few fishes. But as time passes, I have noticed that fishes there seem to ignore and not interest to the lures. So, I try fly fishing for them, but the place I went to just don't have enough back space for me to cast out to the distance that is required. That's when I started to use the Benzq Spin Fly Rig with Benzq Fly Shrimp. The first cast really surprise me. a HIT !!!! Within a 2 hours period, I've got 10 fishes. It's really surprise me because when I used lure the best result is 3 fishes and with this method, it is 3 times more effective than lure.This prove that, in places which is heavily fished, you have to use different techniques and ways which were not commonly use and the result will surprise you. I hope to share the joy I had to all fellow anglers.

提到钓鱼,里头就包含了不同的钓具与钓法。其中包括最普遍的活饵(虾,鱼)作钓,拟饵作钓 (当中包括popping, casting, jigging, trolling等钓法), 飞绳钓及鲜少流行的Spin Fly.  本篇要注重的话题是关于Spin Fly.
飞绳钓是每个钓鱼人都渴望接触的其中一种钓法。很多人往往因为飞绳钓的限制 (风向,空间等),直接地导致他们无法充分学习飞绳钓,最终飞绳钓成为家里墙上的装饰品。然而,飞绳钓所用的毛钩对鱼具有独特的吸引力,是其他拟饵所没有的。有时候,当一班的朋友结伴去钓鱼时,偏偏使用拟饵作钓的人都钓不到鱼,反而使用毛钩作钓的却有鱼吃钓,这种现象大都发生在受到垂钓压力的钓场。因此,有些人就开始在毛钩前方加重量,再使用横式卷线器来作钓,这就是所谓的Spin Fly. 可惜,在毛钩前方加重量的Spin Fly有它的限制。第一,它下沉的速度快。第二,不能使用于浮面作钓第三,收线的速度也要快,导致鱼来不及攻击毛钩。所以Benzq Fly研究出一种拥有飞绳钓特点的产品,它能让钓鱼人用毛钩浮面作钓,慢速或是快速的收线。此外,它能使毛钩慢性地沉下水里,让中鱼的机会就越高。那就是Benzq Fly研发的Spin Fly Rig.

以下是Benzq Fly本人的经验:
我本身是一个十分沉迷于钓鱼的钓鱼人,每天都会到同样一个地点去作钓。一开始时,我使用拟饵来作钓时,收获蛮好的,可是久而久之,那些鱼就不理会我的拟饵了。当我用拟饵作钓时,最好的成绩是三尾鱼。之后,我就尝试用飞绳钓,可是那边的空间限制了我用飞绳钓来作钓。不久,我就使用Benzq Spin Fly Rig绑上Benzq Fly Orange Shrimp作钓,第一个抛头,就引来了鱼迹。那一天的收获真是让我惊喜万分,在短短的两个小时内,共上了十尾鱼。这证明了一个当在受到垂钓压力的钓场,用不同的钓法及方式可以交出惊人的成绩。本人希望能跟各位钓友分享这种不一样的钓法。

Tarpon on Blue Eyes Crazy Fly

Tarpon on Blue Eyes Crazy Fly


New Creations

Code 编号: S008
Fly Name 鱼饵名称: Crazy Lionie Fly
Material 材料: Mustad Stainless Steel Hook
Price 售价:RM8.00 (不包括邮费 Exclude postage)

Code 编号: S009
Fly Name 鱼饵名称:Blue Eyes Crazy Fly

Price 售价:RM8.00 (不包括邮费 Exclude postage)

有兴趣者,请email我下订单 :)
Whoever that is interested, can email me for inquiry ya :)

Little Tomman on Crazy Fly

Little tomman on Crazy Fly by Benzq

It's brighten my day:)

Tarpon on Crazy Fly

Tarpon :)
with Crazy Fly tied by Benzq Fly

Pinky Crazy Fly

Code 编号: S007
Fly Name 鱼饵名称:Pinky Crazy Fly
Material 材料: Mustad Stainless Steel Hook
Price 售价:RM8.00 (不包括邮费 Exclude postage)

有兴趣者,请email我下订单 :)
Whoever that is interested, can email me for inquiry ya :)

Greenie Crazy Fly

Code 编号: S006
Fly Name 鱼饵名称:Greenie Crazy Fly
Material 材料: Mustad Stainless Steel Hook
Price 售价:RM8.00 (不包括邮费 Exclude postage)

有兴趣者,请email我下订单 :)
Whoever that is interested, can email me for inquiry ya :)

Benzq Fly Shrimp on Tarpoon

Got this tarpoon with Benzq Fly Shrimp is really incredible hot
The original shrimp is totally become bloody color

Stay tune:)
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Benzq Fly

Come and have a look.. If you are the one that looking for uniqueness, you have come into a right site:)



谢谢 :)

Silver Minnow

Code 编号: S005
Fly Name 鱼饵名称:Silver Minnow
Material 材料: Mustad Stainless Steel Hook
Price 售价:RM8.00 (不包括邮费 Exclude postage)

有兴趣者,请email我下订单 :)
Whoever that is interested, can email me for inquiry ya :)
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Gold Minnow

Code 编号: S004
Fly Name鱼饵名称:Gold Minnow
Material 材料: Mustad Stainless Steel Hook
Price 售价:RM8.00 (不包括邮费 Exclude postage)

有兴趣者,请email我下订单 :)
Whoever that is interested, can email me for inquiry ya :)
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J Fly

Code 编号: S003
Fly Name 鱼饵名称:J Fly
Material 材料: Mustad Stainless Steel Hook
Price 售价:RM10.00 (不包括邮费 Exclude postage)

有兴趣者,请email我下订单 :)
Whoever that is interested, can email me for inquiry ya :)

Popper Fly

Code 编号: M004
Fly Name 鱼饵名称:Popper Fly
Material 材料: Mustad Stainless Steel Hook
Price 售价:RM6.00 (不包括邮费 Exclude postage)

有兴趣者,请email我下订单 :)
Whoever that is interested, can email me for inquiry ya :)
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Hairy Shrimp

Code 编号: M003
Fly Name 鱼饵名称:Hairy Shrimp
Material 材料: Mustad Stainless Steel Hook
Price 售价:RM6.00 (不包括邮费 Exclude postage)

有兴趣者,请email我下订单 :)
Whoever that is interested, can email me for inquiry ya :)
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Hairy Berry

Code 编号:F004
Fly Name 鱼饵名称:Hairy Berry
Material 材料: Mustad Stainless Steel Hook
Price 售价:RM6.00 (不包括邮费 Exclude postage)

有兴趣者,请email我下订单 :)
Whoever that is interested, can email me for inquiry ya :)

Freshie Shrimp

Code 编号:M001

Code 编号:M002

Fly Name 鱼饵名称:Freshie Shrimp
Material 材料: Mustad Stainless Steel Hook
Price 售价:RM10.00 (不包括邮费 Exclude postage)

有兴趣者,请email我下订单 :)
Whoever that is interested, can email me for inquiry ya :)
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Fly Beetle

Code 编号:F001

Code 编号:F002

Code 编号:F003

Fly Name 鱼饵名称:Fly Beetle
Material 材料: Mustad Stainless Steel Hook

Price 售价:RM6.00 (不包括邮费 Exclude postage)

有兴趣者,请email我下订单 :)
Whoever that is interested, can email me for inquiry ya :)
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Red Minnow

Code 编号:S002
Fly Name 鱼饵名称:Red Minnow
Material 材料: Mustad Stainless Steel Hook
Price 售价:RM8.00 (不包括邮费 Exclude postage)

有兴趣者,请email我下订单 :)
Whoever that is interested, can email me for inquiry ya :)
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Green Minnow

Code 编号:S001
Fly Name 鱼饵名称:Green Minnow
Material 材料: Mustad Stainless Steel Hook
Price 售价:RM8.00 (不包括邮费 Exclude postage)

有兴趣者,请email我下订单 :)
Whoever that is interested, can email me for inquiry ya :)
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买卖之条约 Term and Condition

卖家资料:Benzq Fly
地址: Batu Ferringhi, Penang

汇款方式:Cimb Bank
邮寄:Pos Express or Pos Laju



DIY Fly Lures 自制飞绳假饵


I'm a fishing lover, love to try on different way to fish
I have been touched on fishing ages ago, and slowly I'm falling in love in making flies
Every fly is my own creation
Everytime when my own hand-tied fly was hook up a fish, there was a feeling made me feel  happy
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